Copyright © 2022 azendo. All rights reserved.

Cookie Policy.

When you visit our webpage, the page gathers data about you. We use this data to adapt and improve our content. If you do not wish to share your data, you should delete your cookies and avoid using our webpage.


Our webpage utilizes cookies. The cookies are saved on your computer or mobile device to recognize the device, remember the settings, create statistics, and where applicable, target content. Cookies do not contain malicious code and can be deleted or blocked.
Types of cookies
Our webpage may contain cookies from the following third–parties

  • Google LLC
  • Facebook Inc.
  • Zoho Corp.


Personal information

General information
When you visit our website, our website collects data about you. Data is collected when you sign up for our newsletter, sign up for a competition/survey, register as a new user, use our services or buy from our web page.

We typically collect the following information: A unique ID, technical information about your computer, tablet, mobile, IP number, location and what pages you visit. If you register on the site or make purchases, we typically record your name, phone number, email, address and payment information.
We treat your data confidentiality and comply with all applicable laws. Your data will only be used for the purposes mentioned above. It will be deleted when the objective is achieved or when the data is no longer relevant. We have implemented technical measures to ensure your data will not be lost, publicized, altered, or misused.
Collected data is used to identify you as a user and display information relevant to you, register your purchases and payment and provide the services you have demanded. Data is also used to optimize and improve our services and content.

How long do we keep the data?
We keep the data in the legal period allowed. And we delete the data when it is no longer relevant or necessary. How long this period is, depends on the given data and circumstances of data storage. Because of this, it is not possible to provide an exact overall time estimate on how long we keep the data before deleting it.

Disclosure of information
Data regarding your use of the website, which information you see and click on, geographic location, gender, age and other details are passed on to third parties when we use third-party services on the website. You can read who the third parties are in the section “Cookies” above.

Passing on personal data such as your name and email will only occur if you consent. We only use third parties in the European Union or in countries that can provide sufficient data protection.

Insight and complaints
It is your right to be informed on which personal data we handle regarding you in a standardl format (data portability.) You can object to the use of your data. You can also take back your consent to us using your data. If the data is wrong, it is your right to have it changed or deleted.

If you wish to complain about our handling of your data, you can contact Datatilsynet. If you no longer want us to handle your data or if you want to limit the handling of your data, you can also contact us.

The website is owned and published by:

Azendo Co., Ltd.
Telephone: (+45) 3515 8181
E-mail: [email protected]